The Difference Between An Exterminator And A Pest Control Professional

Exterminator Bakersfield is a professional who eradicates pests in residential and commercial environments. They use various methods, including chemicals, traps, and exclusion techniques. They also share tips with their clients to prevent pests from returning.

While exterminators’ goal is to destroy pests, they don’t always get to the root of the problem. Conversely, a pest control professional uses Integrated Pest Management to uncover why pests are present and alter conditions that attract them.

When pests invade your home, you want them gone quickly. You may search for an exterminator or a pest control professional to do the job. While both work to rid your home of unwanted pests, the difference between them can be confusing when researching options. In most instances, an exterminator will eliminate pests from the interior of your home, while a pest control professional will also remove pests from your outdoor property, like garages.

An exterminator will inspect your home and identify entry points, potential problem areas and the type of pests causing trouble. They then create a treatment plan to eliminate the pests and keep them away from your home for good. This often includes spraying, baits, and traps. An exterminator will also work with you to prevent future pest infestations by advising on landscaping tactics, cleaning strategies and basic precautions.

Rodents, cockroaches and fleas are common household pests that an exterminator will treat. For rodents, an exterminator will set traps and seal any entrance points to the house. They may also place bait stations around the house to catch and kill mice in their tracks. Cockroaches typically live in kitchens, so an exterminator will examine the stove, sink and cabinets for signs of a cockroach infestation. They will also inspect drains to ensure they are not causing a roach problem.

While an exterminator can quickly solve a current infestation, they don’t always address the root cause of the problem. This is why most people look for a complete pest control service when they have a bug or rodent problem. A complete pest control service will take time to understand the issue and implement methods that sustain lasting zero infestations. In the end, a complete pest control service will save you money and hassles in the long run. They will also give you peace of mind knowing your home is protected from unwanted pests. The key is to find a company that uses safe and environmentally friendly methods. This is important because you want to protect your family and pets from harmful chemicals.


When you think about a pest exterminator, you probably envision a man or woman in a uniform and carrying a spray can. While those days are long gone, the fact remains that many people still need help getting rid of pests from their homes.

In some cases, the solution comes in the form of an exterminator who works for a commercial establishment. This type of professional can often provide more specialized services than those offered by general exterminators, and may work in environments such as hospitals, warehouses, and industrial settings.

The nature of the work can also vary, depending on the environment. For instance, in industrial settings, an exterminator may use more hazardous chemicals to control pests, and may be required to wear certain safety equipment in confined spaces. In addition, some pest control specialists are certified in the field of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and are able to identify the conditions that contribute to pest infestations.

Once an exterminator has received a request for service, they can begin to assess the situation and determine what types of treatments are required. This typically involves inspecting the property and determining what types of pests are infesting the area. In some cases, the customer can offer assistance in this process by providing information about how they’ve noticed the pests.

A good exterminator can then create a treatment plan to eliminate the pests and prevent them from returning in the future. This can include chemical treatments, traps, and other methods. In some cases, an exterminator can recommend changes to the way a customer operates their home or business, such as improving sanitation or sealing cracks and crevices that can allow pests in.

In addition, some pest control specialists are trained in the field of invasive species control and can work to remove these animals from areas where they pose a threat to humans. Examples of these include raccoons, skunks, and birds, and the specialist can utilize humane trapping techniques to capture and relocate the animal. Some exterminators also work to remove pests from public areas, such as parks and sports fields.


Pests in industrial environments present unique challenges and require a more hands-on approach. Exterminators are often required to work in confined spaces with a limited ability to maneuver and may be exposed to hazardous chemicals. They also need to be able to follow strict safety protocols. Additionally, they must be able to identify the different pests that are causing problems and develop treatment plans accordingly. This can involve educating customers on proper sanitation practices and repairing any structural issues that may contribute to pest infestations.

When an exterminator first arrives on the job site, they must conduct a thorough inspection to determine the extent of the problem and what methods will be most effective. This includes taking appropriate measurements of affected areas and sharing estimated costs for select services with the client. They are also expected to communicate the biology and habits of various pest species in order to effectively control or eliminate them.

A common mistake that many people make when hiring an exterminator is not asking enough questions. This can lead to a subpar extermination and even more pests later on. For instance, some pests like fleas and mosquitoes can cause serious health problems if not treated properly. Mosquitoes can spread diseases such as encephalitis, dengue, and Zika virus, while fleas can spread plague, typhus, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Once the exterminator has a full understanding of the situation, they can then begin their work. This can include setting traps, applying chemical treatments, or using other tools such as pheromone traps to attract and kill pests. Alternatively, they can also use mechanical devices such as ultrasonic sound waves to repel certain types of insects.

Once the pests have been controlled, an exterminator will then clean contaminated areas and record their results. Additionally, they will make recommendations to the client on how to prevent pests from re-infesting their home or business. This can include educating the customer on proper sanitation practices, making repairs to the structure, and utilizing other pest-control techniques. Ultimately, a qualified exterminator will be able to provide their clients with reliable, long-term solutions to their pest problems.


Warehouses and industrial sites are ideal habitats for pests. They provide all three of the necessary ingredients for them to thrive: food, water, and shelter. When a warehouse becomes a haven for beetles, ants, mice, rodents, and birds, it can quickly ruin the quality of products stored inside and damage the facility.

Warehouse pest control is a complex task that requires the expertise of trained professionals. A company that specializes in industrial and warehouse pest control will have the knowledge to prevent pest infestations, protect the reputation of the business, and ensure the safety of employees and customers. They will also be able to create long-term prevention strategies that will help prevent pests from returning once they are gone.

Keeping pests out of a warehouse is essential for the success of a business. Pests can contaminate the products that are stored inside, cause a loss in revenue, and even lead to federal seizures if left unchecked. By hiring a professional, you can be sure that your product will stay safe and fresh while the property is protected from pests and insects.

In addition to eliminating existing pests, warehouse and storage facilities should be inspected on a monthly basis for signs of pests. Dust talcum powder around any areas that seem to allow pests to enter and conduct visual inspections of the building and the surrounding grounds. These simple steps will significantly reduce the chances of pests causing damage to your inventory and facility.

A professional exterminator is someone who uses pesticides or traps to eliminate unwanted animals and insects from a home or commercial building. These professionals are highly trained and know how to use the most effective products to control pests. They use safer methods than some DIY solutions, and they will help you set up long-term pest prevention measures. They will also be able to give you tips to keep pests away from your home or business on your own, so you won’t need to call an exterminator in the future. This is the best way to avoid costly repairs and expensive replacements.